

该基金成立于1996年,以纪念55岁的玛丽莲·格雷厄姆·阿巴迪, 她的家人和朋友给她的学费补助. 1946年,玛丽莲进入体育外围app下载. The school and the memory of her years there assumed a permanent place in her heart. 她一直是一个积极参与和支持的校友,直到她生命的尽头. 作为一个奖学金学生, her family felt it fitting to honor her memory by making it possible for another young woman to have the benefit of a similar education. 

Drs. John and Alice Amsterdam established this fund in 2003 to honor Julia ’16 and Alexis ’92. The fund reflects the family’s gratitude for being able to provide their daughters with a 鲍德温 education and their desire to make this experience possible in perpetuity for future generations of 鲍德温 women and girls. 

This fund was established in 1979 by Maxine Gibson Haneman in memory of her daughter Dale Dale Kimble Ausbrook ’51, 为高年级学生提供学费援助. 

To honor and perpetuate the memory of Shirley Lewis Oakes Butler ’47, classmate Dr. Eugenie Havemeyer ’47 has endowed a fund to assist an 上学校 student who has exhibited the potential to be a “cosmopolite” or citizen of the world. As an outstanding student while at 鲍德温, Shirley was president of her class and the editor of the 沙漏 除了是校队运动员. 她是国际商业银行巴特勒银行有限公司的联合创始人. 他是巴哈马通用公司的创始人. 她是哪里的总裁和主席. Shirley was a humanitarian and a true citizen of the world who championed the underdog and people with potential but not means. 

The 杜威家庭奖学金 was established in 1996 by Margaret Dewey Hicks ’55 to underwrite the tuition expenses of a deserving 中学 student.

爱德华·E. 福特基金会奖学金
This fund provides need based financial aid to a deserving 上学校 student in an effort to increase the School’s socio-economic diversity. 该基金在1985年和1992年得到额外赠款的补充. 

In honor of their 50th reunion, the Class of 1960 established the Global Fund for Girls. This fund provides assistance to students with financial need to be able to participate in 鲍德温’s global initiatives specifically, 与国外机会相关的旅行/生活费用.

为了纪念她的母亲,玛乔丽·加里克·托马斯,琳达·A. Hadley ’81 established this scholarship in 1998 to underwrite the scholarship support of a Middle or 上学校 student.

阿尔伯特·M. 格林菲尔德基金会学者
阿尔伯特·M. 格林菲尔德基金会奖学金成立于1994年, 纪念38岁的卡洛塔·格林菲尔德·霍华德, 先生的女儿. 阿尔伯特·米. 格林菲尔德. 该基金的收入为鲍德温学生提供学费援助. 

该基金成立于1998年,以纪念前董事会主席, Rachel Funk Jenkins, 44岁, 他在鲍德温学院当了10年的体育老师. Income from the scholarship will be used to recruit deserving young scholar athletics to 鲍德温.

Dr. Rebecca Trent Kirkland ’60 created this scholarship in 1983 in honor of selection as 鲍德温’s 女校友 Award winner. Dr. Kirkland is an internationally known endocrinologist and Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. 这个基金为高年级学生提供学费援助.

Julia MacBean学者
This scholarship was established in 1980 as a memorial to Julia MacBean by her friends and family. The interest is to be used to provide tuition assistance with preference given to students in the 较低的学校.

母校奖学金资助基金 was established in memory of Virginia Light Aiguier, mother of Antoinette Aiguier Pearman '42 and Eugenie Aiguier Havemeyer '47 and great grandmother of 安妮 A. Trott '97, Christine A. Trott 98和Eugenie D. Trott 98. 这笔基金是由她的孩子们提供的, 孙子, 还有特别的朋友来帮忙资助学费.

纪念他们30周年重聚, the Class of 1975 established 安妮·霍格·佩尼克1975级奖学金基金 in memory of their classmate, 安妮. This fund provides financial aid support to a deserving student who demonstrates academic 卓越. 

Mr. 和夫人. 罗伯特T. 布鲁克斯于1984年设立了这一奖学金,以纪念布鲁克斯夫人. 布鲁克斯的祖父母, 汉娜·伊丽莎白·霍姆斯·罗斯和杰西·沃特曼·布鲁克斯, 他们都是老师. 该基金用于为高年级学生提供学费援助.

伊丽莎白·阿奇利·罗兰64年, in honor of her mother Barbara Welch ’34 and her aunts Martha Welch Atchley ’37 and 安妮 Welch Viner ’42, 2006年设立罗兰家庭奖学金, 为合格的年轻女子提供学费资助.

萨尔蒙基金会奖学金成立于1999年. Income from the endowment is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a student or students of color attending the school. 

凯瑟琳·康普顿·谢泼德和约翰·J. F. 谢泼德奖学基金
该基金由凯西·康普顿·谢泼德于1986年创立, 50届毕业生, 和她的丈夫杰伊,为有资格的学生提供学费援助.

阿比盖尔·亚当斯·西尔弗斯.D. 奖学金
This scholarship was established in 2005 in memory of Abigail Adams Silvers ’52 by her loving family and friends. 作为2002年校友终身成就奖的获得者, 盖尔被体育外围app下载录取了, her classmates and the belief that young women deserve a stellar education regardless of their financial capability. 该基金将为高年级学生提供学费援助.

这个基金是由伊丽莎白·奥德尔·史密斯的家人和朋友建立的, in her loving memory and recognition of her abiding interest in the School and contribution to both a student and as a teacher. Income generated by the fund provides tuition assistance to a winner of an annual competitive academic scholarship examination, 优先考虑高年级学生. 

为了纪念布莱尔·D的退休. 斯丹博, 第六任校长, this scholarship was established to cover tuition need as well as expenses with books, 制服和学生的班级戒指. 把年轻女孩带到鲍德温, 不管他们的经济能力如何,这是布莱尔最关心的任务. 

This fund was established anonymously in 2007 to provide tuition assistance to a student from the Steppingstone program.

杰西H. 沙利文奖学金
由Peter和Virginia Sullivan于1998年创立的杰西H. 沙利文奖学金是为了纪念弗吉尼亚的母亲而设立的, 谁是小学老师, 为低年级的学生提供帮助.

Alexandra Wake was a freshman at the 鲍德温 School when she was prematurely taken from our midst. Alex was a joyful and vibrant member of the community and an enthusiastic participant in school activities, 包括越野和冬季田径队. 为了纪念她,鲍德温设立了Alex Wake ' 05纪念奖学金基金. The purpose of this endowed fund is to assist a qualified young woman such as Alex in the pursuit of a college preparatory education at the 鲍德温 School. 它是通过每年的5K步行/跑步和个人捐款来支持的.