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Spring MVPs and 2025 Captains Named

Congratulations to all the spring varsity and junior varsity teams and coaches on a great season! Athletics celebrated the spring teams, presented newly elected co-captains for next year and announced Most Valuable Players. The following were voted team MVP and elected co-captains for next season:
2024 Spring MVPs
  • The Baldwin School Crew Award: Harper Hoffman ’24
  • The Baldwin School Golf Award: Trisha Yun ’24
  • The Margaret Johnston Lacrosse Award: Lauren Halak ’24
  • The Natalie Georges ’03 and Erica Miller ’03 Softball Award: Allie Weiser ’24
  • The Jennifer Dietrich ’17 Track and Field Award: Milan Moriniere ’27
2025 Spring Captains
  • Crew: Grace Macziewski ’25 and Lilly Rang ’25
  • Golf: Amelia Tang ’25 and Angelica Tang ’26
  • Lacrosse: Anya Berlanska ’25 and Lexi McCurdy ’25
  • Softball: Addison Milner ’25 and Bella Murray ’25
  • Track & Field: Meg Davis ’25 and Sabine Kim ’25